This is the only half-decent picture of one I could find; this guy's name is apparently "Andy".
Image credit link.
PELICAN PRODUCTS will continue to guarantee the product directly for a lifetime against breakage or defects in workmanship...
The above guarantee does not cover sharkbite, bear attack or children under 5.
As wonderful as Andy is, there's a picture of the fish by itself at: http://www.discoverlife.org/IM/I_RR/0009/320/Nematistiidae,I_RR930.jpg
Hope the link works. Keep up the good work on educating me on the funky fish of the world!
Yeah, I saw that picture during my google image search, but I didn't particularly like it, since the fish is so obviously posed on a uniform background. No idea of size, or anything like that. My favourite fish pictures are of fish that are alive and swimming, with something recognizable (like a coral head) in the background. Some fish are just badly under-photographed, sadly.
Give me $10000 and I'll fix that.
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