Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Fish: Holocentrus rufus

A Squirrelfish, Family Holocentridae, subfamily Holocentrinae. Picture from here.

Edit: Reader and all-around excellent person Necator sent me a picture of this species he took while on vacation! Hurray! If anybody else reading this blog feels like sending me fish pictures I'm always happy to get them.


Kitty Hannah said...

Like a golfish in its Sunday best. I won't ask if it's edible this time.

Necator said...

Arses...I was going to send you a picture of one I took on my last trip. But alas, this one is better.

TheBrummell said...

Thanks for the picture, Necator! Do you have any more fishy pictures?

Necator said...

Oh wow! Thanks for the post. I will dig some more stuff up - hopefully for tomorrow. Most of my shots are embarrassingly bad...still learning.