These are Falcon tubes:

You can order these tubes in styrofoam racks, which adds a bit to the price when buying them, and because the tubes are disposable most of the time we don't bother - we just buy them in big bags, sans racks. The styrofoam racks tend to fall apart pretty quickly in any case, and some websites say "do not freeze in racks" without frickin' explaining why. Argh!
I've spent too much time today, in the blocks between the end of something and waiting for somebody else so I can move onto the next task, trying to track down a rack solution for our hundreds of Falcon tubes. The only thing I've found is a hideously expensive coated-wire rack that holds 8, 16, or 36 of these big tubes - for about $80 for the largest. At any given time, I've got between 200 and 500 Falcon tubes in use, distributed between a couple of freezers and whatever random patch of bench space I happen to be using. At the moment, all of my 50mL tubes are just jumbled together in the freezer, completely disorganized, and my 400 or so 15mL tubes are squeezed awkwardly into about a dozen unsuitable racks. It's annoying, I need a better system.
Why can't I buy a cheap plastic rack in hexagon arrangement that will fit in my freezer?
We use these from VWR. They hold 36 of the 50 ml tubes quite nicely.
We use something similar to this for our 50ml rubes (3x3 suffices for our case, dunno if it works for you)
There's also 3x8 for 25-30mm diameter racks here, but don't know anything about them:
As for the ones that conveniently fit our 15mL's, I have no clue. There's actually no label on them of any sort =S We also get by with the styrofoam things...
Then again, we don't use that many, being oblivious to the concept of fieldwork and all...
Well I must say a 2X?? piece of wood and a drill with the approriate sized spade bit comes to mind, as a solution. If you prefer foam, the hardware store and the same spade bit would work, as for plastic I'm sure with some effort you could find it, but the price would be more.
That's my 2 cents.
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Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
racks are at the bottom! yeah!
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