We also visited several locations along Goose Creek, a major tributary of the Churchill river, including the marina (another boat ramp! Joy!) and the pumphouse. At both locations we met a family group of German tourists, who seemed remarkably unconcerned by the biting insects. While the bugs weren’t as bad as I’ve seen on previous days, they were certainly around and hungry.
While we were at the pumphouse, which is a few kilometres upstream of Goose Creek, Chen and David found some polar bear tracks. I’m certainly no expert, but given the daily tidal flooding of this area, I think any tracks found in the nearshore mud should be considered a day old or younger. So, there was probably a bear about. As this is an area of abundant willow vegetation, which I am informed is a favourite sleeping location for polar bears, I didn’t stray too far from the truck. We were running late for lunch anyways, so we didn’t spend long there. However, the German tourists apparently decided they wanted to meet this bear, and set about following the tracks along the riverbank. Crazy people, they had all the best predictors of an unpleasant bear encounter: thick, visibility-blocking vegetation; small children and old people; no local guide or companion; and no predator-deterrence. I wonder whatever became of them?

After lunch, we returned once more to Twin Lakes. David had some quite productive pitfall traps in the forest near the lake, and I wanted to get down into the fen on the far side of the lakes as well. This fen has a small pond with a very soft bottom and margin; last year we saw a caribou here. Not surprisingly, the mosquitoes were quite numerous here, but not so bad that we couldn’t function.

We also visited the “Burn site”, a patch of boreal forest that burned in a forest fire about 5 years ago. Within the regenerating forest, there is a medium-sized pond, with some trees near it that are older than the fire. This suggests to me that this pond provided something of a refuge from the flames, but I don’t know enough about forest fire dynamics to say more than that.

I spent most of the evening picking through mud from the dredges that Christy et al. conducted yesterday. Lovely worms, amphipods, and other critters were hiding in the thick, dark mud.
Tomorrow we’ll pack up all of our stuff, get the Zodiac of Adventure put away, and just generally prepare to leave.
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