Today is the last day that insurance on my former possession, the Minivan of Doomed love, was valid. The insurance would have expired tonight, at 12:00 midnight in Vancouver, had it still been on the road.
But it's not on the road (or, at least, it better not be), since I took it to a junkyard, under the supports of the Patullo bridge, on January 3, after sunset. It was dark, cold, and lonely there, at my van's final resting place, with a crazy Quebecois old man and a ruined MG.
I miss my van. I will post a tribute to it at some point, when I get some pictures scanned in. The pictures and the ignition key are the only souveniers I have of 1520 Kg of self-propelled steel that I owned for 7 1/3 years - almost exactly 1/3 of my lifetime when I stopped owning it.

I'm sorry I never made it out there to bring it back to Alberta and give it a proper send-off.
Too many of Arild's stag participants were being wishy-washy enough to make me reconsider the expense of getting it back here.
Yes, it is too bad we never got to give it to a highway fire department for training purposes.
That would have been more proper.
Okay so that Van came back to haunt us! In December of 2007 we received a letter from the Alberta Abandoned Vehicle Disposal Program. That Van had made it through the mountains one more time and I believe it was trying to get back to Calgary. It was abandoned in November of that year by some persons unknown in Sherwood Park, Alberta (near Edmonton) I don't believe it!!!!! Susan Brummell
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