I didn't keep very careful track of kilometre-age on my way back to Saskatoon from Calgary, nor was it a particularly interesting voyage – essentially nothing happened. If you don't count the near-miss I had when trying to pass. I saw a vehicle in the left (oncoming) lane far ahead of me, but because it was not showing any lights, I (foolishly) assumed it was the back end of a vehicle also travelling my way, also passing slower traffic. I was incorrect; it was the front of an oncoming pickup truck, one built before daytime running lights were mandated in Canada. My Prelude also predates that legislation, but I run with my headlights on when on 2-lane highways (and most other times, too).
Rather than put up a tiny little post and call it a Sunday Drive, I thought I'd try to spread the meme a little. Despite my rather pathetic update schedule (or distinct lack thereof), I'm pretty sure I still have a few readers from various far-flung places. Of course, I could be delusional in this respect.
Most of my Sunday Drives take me on loops into the countryside with total drive-lengths of a few hundred kilometres. Since driving straight back on the same road I went out on is more boring than finding a different route, I tend to stray no further than about 150 km from my home in Saskatoon, as the proverbial corvid flies (NB: around here, the corvid in question is more likely a Magpie (Pica hudsonia) or a Raven (Corvus corax) than a common crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)).
So, taking a few other locations that I think some of my readers may call home, let's see if I can spot any places I'd visit on a Sunday Drive were I in that part of the world. Maps are from Google Maps, using the "Terrain" option.
Rockville, Maryland.

But, more suitable for automobile travel are a large number of places outside of Washington. There must be some great beaches along Chesapeake bay, and I've long wanted to see that storied body of water in person. The western foothills of the central Appalachians are nearby in the opposite direction, and I'm a fan of a couple of TV shows set in Baltimore; it would be interesting to drive through the harbour area with a couple of screen shots of the second season of The Wire in hand, for example. And there surely are old American civil war battlefields around, so one could visit a re-enactment on the appropriate date.
London, Ontario.

Coquitlam, British Columbia

Austin, Texas

Geelong, Victoria, Australia

The Great Ocean Road starts in Torquay, just south of Geelong. This is one of the World's Great Roads, and is reason alone in and of itself to visit the island continent. The fact that a Nissan Skyline can be purchased in Australia without onerous import restrictions and modifications is a significant bonus; heck, the R32 is now approaching 20 years old, one shouldn't be terribly expensive. New lifetime goal: I want to drive the Great Ocean Road in an R32, R33, or R34 GTR.
Plus, the zillion other things to see in southern Australia. From the coast to the desert is only about 100 kilometres, from my estimations - prove me wrong!

Hi Martin,
Thanks for the post, but I have one point to make, I don't believe that Pilot are the best truck stops, that honour goes to Flying J, I would say. I could just be loyal to my employer though.
I haven't been to many Flying J stops, yet. I'll have to check them out - there's one at the north end of Saskatoon.
Pilot is impressive mainly because even in a part of the world (the US South-East) where coffee is weak, an unusual request, and almost unavailable after noon, Pilot truck stops have fresh, hot coffee ready to go. 24 hours a day, you can get a decent cup of coffee from a Pilot truckstop, even in Alabama.
I didn't know which oil company owns Flying J. Doesn't influence my opinion one way or the other, but it is interesting.
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