As I was heading home on Friday evening (October 23), I ran into 2 grad students in the department, and asked them about places I might enjoyably visit in nearby parts of Saskatchewan. Following a bit of discussion, they agreed that Gardiner dam, at the north end of Lake Diefenbaker, would be worth the hour or so drive each way. Apparently, it’s the largest earth-filled dam in Canada, and is the reason the lake exists. Sounds good.
At home on Saturday I perused some maps and websites, and discovered something I find a bit exciting: Saskatchewan operates a dozen free ferries. Why would there be ferries on the prairies? River crossings, of course. This website lists 13 ferries, 1 of which is not free – one must pay and book in advance to cross Wollaston Lake. Of the remaining 12, only 1 is not a river crossing: Riverhurst ferry crosses Lake Diefenbaker near its middle. There’s a bit of a grey zone here in the definitions, since Lake Diefenbaker is really only a particularly slow patch in the South Saskatchewan River, and was formed by Gardiner dam. Previous to the dam, the town of Riverhurst was quite a bit further from the waterline, and the river there was probably not very different from the river 100 km in either direction. Still, I like ferries, and that website looks remarkably like a checklist, to me.
Google maps, while usually accurate in its directions, seems to lie rather pessimistically when it comes to estimating travel times. Planning a route that would take me across Gardiner dam from east to west, south down the west side of the lake, across at Riverhurst, then back north up the east side of the lake Google maps informed me I should plan for about 7 hours of driving. Taking this advice to heart, I arose rather early on Sunday, and was heading out of the city, Starbuck’s grande latte in hand (literally: I still have no cupholders) by 9:30am. For me on a Sunday, that’s horribly early. But I had early dinner plans to meet that evening, so needs must and so forth.

I exited the city by highway 219, described on my PDF map downloaded from the provincial government as “thin membrane surface (no shoulder)”, which rapidly deteriorated in quality from aging municipal blacktop to roughened rural asphalt to gravel-strewn construction site.

I reached the dam by about 10:30, and proceeded happily across it. Highway 44 crosses the South Saskatchewan on the dam, the road was simply built right across the top.

As requested, I took a video as well as still photos.

I stopped at the small provincial park office / recreation area just on the west side of the dam, but of course there was nobody else around. This is a significant tourist area in the summer, but in the cool and windy days of late October, everybody else stays home or something.

I was well ahead of Google’s pessimistic schedule, so I took the time to drive down the gravel access road behind the dam, to take a few more pictures.

The ferry itself was pretty small, though I think this is the largest in this province. It crawls across the lake, about 3 kilometres, on a cable. I followed a truck/trailer combination up the loading ramp, straddling the cable where it lays on the ground. Apparently, this was a mistake, and I was instructed to back up, and try again on the right side of the truck. The ferry is long enough for one full-size semi trailer + truck combination, with room for 3 lanes. Fortunately, the minivans behind me in line probably knew what to expect, and made room for my ignorance. Then we cruised across, at a couple of km/h.

At the other side, I was off first, and I pulled into a small driveway just above the ferry terminal to take in the view.

Beyond the Riverhurst ferry lies the village of Riverhurst. I stopped, but there’s almost nothing there, except apparently “smorg” on Sundays, where I think the majority of the local residents were. Other than my fellow ferry-passengers, whom I let get well ahead of me, there was pretty much nobody around at all. The road, once you climb beyond the hills coming up from the lakeshore, is epically flat, straight, and empty.

I drove up the east side of Lake Diefenbaker, where the highway runs a few kilometres distant from the lakeshore. I came across a smaller dam, which the highway runs under rather than across – there’s a rail line across the top of the dam.

Highway 19 curves up around Qu’appelle dam, and there’s a scenic viewpoint / rest stop overlooking the dam. I stopped there for lunch, and admired the scenery for a few minutes.

Highway 19 meets highway 15, which then intersects the main route between the 2 biggest cities of Saskatchewan, highway 11. It was here that I really missed having cruise control. My foot started to cramp from holding the gas pedal in one position (flat flat flat means very little throttle variation) and my leg was sore from constantly leaning against the center console. So, I stopped for fuel and had a bit of a stretch after being on highway 11 for only a few kilometres.

I got home much sooner than Google maps had led me to believe. I guess Google is very pessimistic about driving times, though I think the distances at least were accurate. I’ve now driven south from Saskatoon 3 weekends in a row; next week I should pick a different direction.
Three comments:
1) You are very brave for taking a picture straight upward with the flock of birds passing overhead.
2) Cool car. Looks like an advert from the '80s. I'll see your POS car and raise you one 1984 Nissan Micra.
3) I know of at least one other cable ferry, so I'm guessing they aren't that rare. It connects the mainland to Howe Island (just east of Kingston). One of the jobs I'm working on is trying to determine how the MTO can squeeze more life out of the steel transfer bridges (what normal people would call a ramp) that connects the land to the ferry deck. They're getting a wee bit corroded.
1) Not really - while there is surely a constant rain of bird shit from those flocks, they were pretty high up so their targetting would be very difficult, and I had the sunroof closed - it's fairly cold around here, but very sunny. If you mean taking my eyes off the road... it's almost impossible to hit anything on Saskatchewan secondary highways - there's simply nothing to collide with!
2) Thanks! Your raise is intimidating, an '84 Nissan Micra is formidable on the POS-o-meter.
3) There are a dozen ferries in Saskatchewan, and all pull on cables, so I think you're right, they're not particularly rare. But I'd never been on one before, so I still find them interesting.
Out of curiousity, what possible life-extending treatments are you considering for those corroded steel transfer bridges? I'm guessing that since these things were designed to get wet, they started out galvanized or something. Can galvanization be, uh, topped up or otherwise maintained?
Ah, I thought you were out of the car at the time, in which case it could be quite bad. In car = no problem.
Well, the bridges weren't galvanized at the time; if we were to redo them now, then we'd certainly galvanize them. Originally they were just painted. That paint's in bad shape. We may get replacement bridges, but more likely the course of action will be to abrasive blast clean the rust and old paint (ie. sandblasting - has to be done in a big tent to prevent sand from getting in the St. Lawrence), then remove the components that are too heavily corroded to keep and replace them, then repaint it again using better paint than they used 40 years ago. Or they'll be cheap and just let it rot for another 10 years.
Long journey with your old car.
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