Tundra polygons are structures formed on permafrost soils by large ice crystals forming in the soil. I don’t understand the physics of the situation, but they tend to produce these hexagonal bulges that grow a bit taller every year, leading to a series of rough polygons about a metre tall and separated by narrow strips of unraised soil. The lower parts accumulate water, and sometimes ponds form in the spaces between polygons. There was little animal life in these ponds, mainly some chironomid midge larvae.

The light today was a little odd, with the weather in the mid-atmosphere apparently very chaotic. We had pleasant enough conditions, but above us the clouds rushed across the sky, and the sunlight would change with the hour.

I mostly stayed in the vicinity of the transect during my sampling today. This was partly for safety reasons – the weather was changing rapidly, we were all concerned that yesterday’s fog might return, and we were all aware that just because we had seen no bears here, it doesn’t mean they’re not around. Still, I managed to hit seven different ponds and collect lots of critters.
Just before dinner time, we were informed that a herd of musk-oxen had been spotted near the transect. We all grabbed our cameras and hurried down. Near Maxime’s study site at the polygons, perhaps 500 metres from the near end of the transect, we stopped and observed. I had my binoculars and my telephoto film camera with me; I’ll put those pictures up when I get the film developed.

As the herd disappeared over the raised beach crest, the bull faced us and continued to approach. He also started snuffling and grunting loudly, and brushed his nose with his front hooves a couple of times. We decided these were likely threatening or warning behaviours, and we returned to camp.

There’s some odd leftover stuff in camp. Truelove was established as a research station in the 1960s, and I guess the people here used to use a variety of small tracked vehicles to get around when there was snow on the ground.

Just before bed-time, we spotted a bull musk-ox at the far end of the runway. We suspect this is the same individual as we saw a few hours earlier, and that he followed us back to camp to make sure we weren’t going to be a further threat to him and his herd. We watched him for a bit, then he ran off in the general direction of where we’d last seen the herd. I was quite impressed by his acceleration, and his ability to maintain speed over what I know from personal experience to be quite rough and varied terrain.
Tomorrow Eric and I will try to hike to the base of the glacier, which we think lies about 10 kilometres away up the river that forms the southern boundary of the Truelove lowland. There are likely ponds there that should be quite distinct in their conditions from those on the lowlands, and Eric wants to find out if there are additional species of plants present at higher altitudes that we don’t see down here.
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