I also went for a bit of a walk around the rocky parts of the shore of Lake Superior, turning right on the first beach rather than following the hiking trail to the left. This beach extends perhaps 500 metres to the West, with a few large rock outcrops scattered along. The far end of the beach is a series of rocky bluffs dropping almost straight down into the lake, with their tops perhaps 5 metres above normal water level. On these bluffs are some splash pools that look remarkably like tide pools on the rocky shores of Vancouver Island. The lack of barnacles, kelp, and echinoderms is the only obvious clue (to me) that we’re not beside an ocean.

Each splash pool appears unique, and fall into several categories on first glance. Some are barren, with no sand or anything else on the bottom. Others are similar, but have a few pieces of driftwood and are stained red with tannins leached from uphill soils. I found some pools with thick layers of sand on the bottom, and one or two that appear to be in imminent danger of filling completely. The only pools with beetles had dense mats of gooey algae on the bottom, and lacked water colour. I found one or two beetles in each of several splash pools, and each pool, even those without algae, had its complement of waterstriders; the smallest pools had only one waterstrider.

Tomorrow I expect to get more good stuff from my trap, and the park has some Canada Day activities scheduled that I’ll probably check out, including a bar-b-que and a presentation about flying squirrels.
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