Friday, November 10, 2006
Friday Fish: Belonoperca chabanaudi

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PELICAN PRODUCTS will continue to guarantee the product directly for a lifetime against breakage or defects in workmanship...
The above guarantee does not cover sharkbite, bear attack or children under 5.
These are always some sweet fish pictures! I don't think I can start doing a 'Friday Fly' post or anything (actually one annoying thing about Drosophila is that many of the species are near morphologically identical)... other than that, I've never been interested in animals. Well, keep up the good work!
Thanks! Photo quality credit goes to Lucy, of course. I just cropped the pics to fit better and put in the copyright notice - she was the one actually holding a camera underwater. There are usually no comments for my Friday Fishes, so it's nice to see that somebody is actually reading them (or at least looking at the pictures).
I just did a quickie search for Blogger blogs using the words "Friday Fly". Lots of pages talking about "Friday: fly to..." and a couple about fly fishing, but nothing analagous to this or Pharyngula's "Friday Cephalopod". Adding the word "Drosophila" to the above search string resulted in zero hits.
So, while Drosophila sp. pics might be mildly boring, you'd be original (as far as I can tell) and with ~500 species to choose from, you could keep the feature going for a long, long time.
The Hawaiian Drosophila are actually really beautiful - they have painted wings.
Yeah, Hawaiian Drosophila are kinda, sorta cool. But aside from a few speciation-obsessed nuts, no one cares about them. It's much more fun to collect old melanogaster from brewery vats in Europe... if only because you collect them in a brewery. Don't ask my why it's more fun than going to Hawaii, it just is...
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