Tuesday, September 26, 2006


My very first scientific paper, Conservation of Synteny Between Guppy and Xiphophorus Genomes, is finally out - more than 10 months after initial submission. I've discussed already the silliness surrounding the proofs, but now I have officially updated the relevant section of my CV from "(in press)" to "3(3): 347-357", which is a nice feeling, and I think the happy shivery feeling I got this morning was primarily a result of seeing this, rather than the combined effects of caffeine and anti-cold-symptoms medications.

The unfortunate part, now, is the journal. I'm published in Zebrafish, which is a real, peer-reviewed, scientific journal (this is good) that is not carried by any library in Canada that I can find (this is bad). As a result, I can't get the PDF version of my paper, since SFU library doesn't have a subscription, and I can't seem to get a hardcopy through the Interlibrary Loans system. *sigh*. In any case, here is the table of contents for Zebrafish Volume 3 Issue 3, and here is the Abstract for my paper. I'm quite happy with my company in this issue - if you don't work on Xiphophorus, you probably don't see the significance of any of the names of the other authors of other papers, but this issue (to me, at least) represents a who's-who of big names in Xiphophorus research.

Sadly, this journal does not appear in the Web of Science database, so I'm going to write an email to the publisher of Zebrafish, asking them a) can I please have a PDF of my paper? and b) are they trying to get Zebrafish into the big journal citation databases?

If anyone reading this blog has access to this journal, I'd love to hear from you.


Carlo said...

Congrats man! It's a good feeling isn't it? Much like heroine, now that you have one, you have to start stressing out about getting more... i.e. how many will you get in your Ph.D.??? I suggest switching to some form of ecology project, they seem to publish like mental... But that's the easy way out. Hard work always pays off in the end right?... right?

TheBrummell said...

The r-squared of the regression of Hard Word vs. Payoff is probably something like 0.4 - 40% of the variation in payoff is explained by the amount of HardWork going into a project.

The other 60% is probably mostly statistical noise, with a multivariate analysis using "famous PI / last author" as a factor coming out with its own r-squared of about 0.2.

At a guess.

And thanks, it is a little like heroin - I'm slightly obsessive about my next (2?) paper(s).

Zeno said...

Congratulations! My nephew just placed a couple of research articles -- his first -- and I know how jazzed he was about it. May your (n + 1)st paper be easier to publish than your nth.