Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Commenting has been opened

I've changed the settings to allow anonymous commenting. There is now word verification, to screen out some of the comment spam, but I haven't turned on comment moderation. If I get lots of abusive or spam comments, I might change things back or take other action, but for now at least, anyone should be able to comment.


Anonymous said...

This is a test of the anonymous commenting, by the author of this blog.

Anonymous said...

You are such a loser...

TheBrummell said...

Well, that certainly didn't take long. Hello, and welcome!

Carlo said...

Come on... who else has time enough on their hands to check if you've posted an update every 30 minutes...

I'm sure you'll start drawin' a crowd soon enough!

TheBrummell said...

I suspected it was you, C-man, but the joy of anonymous commenting is the hidden identity. Now you can feel free to really rip into me.